The production of thermoplastic/rubber composite parts is usually realized in an expensive multistage process. The thermoplastic component is prefabricated by injection molding, afterwards either bonding agents or activation treatments are applied to the surface to achieve the required adhesive strength between the thermoplastic and the rubber part. Finally the rubber is added by a second injection molding step. To reduce the high production costs caused by these different steps, a single-stage process of two component injection molding has been developed.
The department Processing Methodology at DIK does research in the field of two component injection molding and adhesion optimization between thermoplastic and rubber materials for a long time. Therefore, experience and excellent equipment is available for customer requests. A two component injection molding machine ENGEL Combimelt Victory 200H/200L/80 with exchangeable thermoplastic and rubber cylinders for each component and a two stations rotary table tool can be used for adhesion investigations for almost all material combinations. Furthermore adhesion studies between rubber and a metal component are possible.
In addition to the great variety of applicable materials and material combinations, important process data can be measured and all relevant injection molding parameters can be varied corresponding to the materials. In this way, an optimal adhesion for each combination can be achieved.
In cooperation with the chemistry department at the DIK, further analytical investigations with regard to the interactions and bonding mechanisms in the interface can be realized.